NSR Shipping Traffic – Activities in January 2022

In January 2022, 184 voyages were made along the Northern Sea Route. This amount is quite high for this month (compared to previous years). It is worth paying high attention to transit voyages that were first made during this navigation time. Both ships – Audax and Sevmormut went from east to west, with the support of an icebreaker. With the help of Audax (Arc 7 ice class), a technological module for the project weighing almost 12 thousand tons was delivered from the Chinese port of Tianjin to the port of Murmansk for the Yamal LNG-2 project.

In addition, navigation in the east part of the NSR ended only in January, which was also not typical for shipping this month. After delivering food and project cargo to the port of Pevek, the ships returned to the western sector, also with the support of icebreakers. Another return voyage from east to west was made by LNG carrier Vladimir Vize.

The main traffic flow on the NSR in January as usually was fallen at the Yamal LNG project, the export of oil products from the Arctic Gate terminal and the development of the Salmanovskoe field (Yamal LNG-2). See below the information regarding shipping under the other projects.

Voyages by project on NSR in January 2022

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