FSBI The Northern Sea Route General Administration



The subject of activity of NSR General Administration FSBI is:

-ensuring the organization of icebreaking assistance of ships along the navigation routes in the water area of ​​the Northern Sea Route (hereinafter referred to as the water area), as well as the development of navigation routes for ships and the placement of ships of the icebreaking fleet in the water area, taking into account the hydrometeorological, ice and navigational situation in the water area;

-issuance, suspension, renewal and termination of permits for navigation of vessels in the water area, amendments to such permits.



-issuance of permits for navigation of vessels in the water area, including their suspension, renewal, change, and termination;

-ensuring the organization of icebreaking assistance to ships in the water area;

-ensuring the piloting of ships along navigation routes in the water area;

-development of navigation routes for vessels and the use of icebreaker fleet vessels in the water area, taking into account the hydrometeorological, ice and navigational situation in the specified water area;

-implementation of the arrangement of icebreaking fleet vessels in the water area;

-monitoring of vessel traffic in the water area;

-provision of information on hydrometeorological, ice and navigation conditions in the water area;

-receipt, acquisition of hydrometeorological, including ice, analytical information products and forecasts related to the water area and their placement on the official website;

-management of vessel traffic in the water area (issuance of instructions in accordance with the rules of navigation in the water area in terms of ensuring the safety of navigation, mandatory for all ships) and control over the movement of ships in the water area and compliance with the requirements of the rules of navigation in the water area; receiving daily information from vessels in the water area;

-ensuring the protection of information constituting a state secret;

-implementation of operational control over ships in difficult weather, ice and other conditions, issuing instructions to ships on actions to be taken in order to ensure the safety of navigation when sailing in ice conditions.

-ensuring information interaction with the territorial subdivisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the GMSKTS, the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Marine Rescue Service”, the Border Directorate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation during daily work and in case of emergency, extreme and non-standard situations.

LOCATION OF NSR General Administration FSBI

NSR General Administration FSBI is located at the address: Moscow, Kitaygorodsky passage, house 7, building 1, room 2092.

Separe division Marine operations Headquaters is located at the adress: 183038, Murmansk-17, 1.

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