NSR Shipping Traffic – Activities in August 2019

Shipping traffic on the NSR in August is characterized by a sharp increase in the number of transits compared to previous month. In total, 11 such voyages were completed in August. 5 transits were between Russian ports, 3 went from east to west, and 3 from west to east. The 10 most frequently visited ports or port points at the NSR are indicated on the map, the number indicates the number of voyages made to this port or location. In the top three are Sabetta, Pevek and the Kara Sea. It is noteworthy that among these three is no Arctic Gate terminal, which is located at Mys Kamennyy. Typically Mys Kamennyy has much the same number of voyages as Sabetta or the Kara Sea. In terms of total numerical indicators, August 2019 turned out to be a more active month compared to August 2018: 96 voyages more, 36 vessels more on the Northern Sea Route.

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